Love heals pain (Amor cura a dor)
--> Face your fears Vers ã o original em ingl ê s seguida de tradu çã o, a pedidos :) One thing I have learned with life and therapy. We are always in pain. We don’t go through life without it. There are periods when it is more intense, there are periods we don’t even notice it. There are periods that it is just a background noise. There are periods that they are so many. They are from the past, present and future. And we should not ignore pain. Any. We have to deal with it, so it is gone. “Live through this and you won’t look back” (Stars). How we deal with it? We allow us to feel it. And do whatever healthy thing it is necessary to remain sane. We cry, scream, dance, laugh, kiss, hug, write, paint, sing, exercise, work, sail, walk, chat... but most importantly we need to learn how to be loved. Sometimes we are so broken, so joyless, we aren’t able to accept love. And it is not great gestures. We just don’t let people help us. And we keep all love we hav...