I found out why my mind and my heart can't be quiet... Today at the gym I heard a fat guy talking badly about fat women... he was in seriously danger! In the afternoon I went to a department store just to see all of me on the mirror, I mean, to try a shirt on hehehe... of course I saw defects everywhere but I thought "at least I eat chocolate", "well, some people enjoyed this, so, it might not be so bad", "nobody is perfect", "I guess that's why I'm not on a relationship", "nobody is perfect", "I like my ass", "I don't like my back and my tummy", "my hair is nice", "I like my face", "oh, I need to lose weight", "well, whatever, time to go, I won't buy this shirt"... yes, we get crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Descobri o motivo da minha mente e do meu coração não ficarem quietos... Hoje na academia ouvi um cara gordo falar de mulheres gordas... ele correu um sé...